Immune Supporting Elixir

There is so much we can do to help support our own immune systems. We are always going to be exposed to germs so we need to set our body up so it is better able to fight them off. Here are my top tips:

  1. Sleep - Optimal sleep is key for maintaining a healthy immune system. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. If you feel run down get some extra rest.

  2. Avoid Sugar - Sugar has a negative impact on our immune system. It negatively affects our gut microbiome and about 70% of our immune system is in our gut. Sugar also reduces our ability to absorb vitamin C.

  3. Add Vitamin C - Vitamin C increases the activity of our white blood cells and it is recommended to eat lots of high vitamin C foods - oranges, lemons, red peppers, and kiwi are some great examples.

  4. Manage Stress - Stress has a negative impact on many areas of our health, including immunity. Finding a way to help your stress levels will help decrease how often you are sick. Meditating, laughing, walking, journaling and exercise are all great ways to help manage your stress levels.

I also love to use supplements and elixirs to help support my system when I am run down or feel someting coming on. Here is a recipe for a simple Immune Supporting Shot.



  • 1/2 cup orange, juiced (about 1 orange)

  • 1/4 cup lemon, juiced (about 2 small lemons)

  • 2” piece of ginger, diced

  • little less than 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

  • splash of maple syrup

Blend together and enjoy a shot daily.


-Add echinacea right before drinking

-Add a shot of this to hot water for a warming drink